To apply a gradient fill to a selected Layer, click the Color well in the the Fills section of the Inspector, then choose either the linear , radial
or angular gradient
buttons at the top of the Color Popover.
On this page
Creating linear gradients
With a linear gradient , the Mac app adds a gradient line with movable start and end points to your layer.
To change a color on your gradient, click on either point and select a color using the Color popover in the Inspector. To add another color to your gradient, click anywhere on the gradient line to add a new point.
Drag the color points to change the look of your gradient, or select a point and press backspace to delete it. Color point positions are expressed as a percentage value relative to the start and end points.
Creating radial gradients
Editing radial gradients is similar to editing linear gradients except that one of the points now sets the middle of the effect and its opposite point sets where the effect ends. By dragging the non-color Ratio point, you can control the size of the effect. The non-color Ratio point is expressed as a percentage value relative to the start point.
Creating angular gradients
Angular Gradients place any color points you create on a circle (based on the maximum height or width of a layer). You can drag the points to adjust their position or click on the circle to add new points. Point positions are expressed as a percentage value relative to the end point.
Using the gradient bar
Along with the gradient points on your layers, you can use the gradient bar in the color popover to adjust and control your gradient. It works in exactly the same way. Click a point to change its color and drag it to move it, click anywhere on the bar to add a new color, or select a point and press backspace to remove it.
Adjusting gradient points with shortcuts
You can use the following shortcuts to adjust the color points on the gradient bar:
1 - 9 | Position a selected point (e.g. 3 = 30% along, 65 = 65% along). |
= | Positions a gradient point equally between two other points. |
Tab | Switch between color point. |
→ or ← | Adjust the color point position incrementally. |
⇧→ or ← | Adjust the color point position in 10% increments. |