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Library Styles (Beta)

Last updated on 05 Feb 2025
3 min read

As with Symbols, you can share and sync Text and Layer Styles using Libraries.

Inserting Library Styles

You can insert Library Styles from the Command Bar, using the Inspector under Appearance, or through the Insert menu in the Toolbar.

Press K to launch the Command Bar and double-click on the Text or Layer Styles options. Type to search for a specifc Style or navigate the list with the arrow keys or mouse. Select a Style, double click it or press to insert it on the Canvas.

To insert Styles from the Inspector, select a shape or text layer and click on the Style menu under Appearance to display the available Styles. Click on a Style to insert it or navigate the list with the arrow keys and then press .

Inserting Library Styles via the Command Bar and the Inspector.

When viewed in the Inspector, Library Styles will display the name or the Library they belong to or From this Document in case it’s a local Style.

You can also click on the Insert button on the Toolbar, then select the Text or Layer Styles options to see the available Styles and insert them by navigating the groups and clicking on a specific Style.

Replacing Library Styles

You can replace Styles with the Command Bar or the Inspector.

To replace a style with the Command Bar, select a layer that has a Style and press R. Find the Style you need and once you’ve selected it press , double click it or click on the Replace button to replace it.

To replace a Style using the Inspector, select a layer and click on the Styles menu under Appearance. Use the popover to replace Styles.

Inserting Library Styles with the Command Bar and the Inspector.

Working with Library Styles

There are different options to manage the changes you make to layers that have Library Styles applied. You can create a new local Style, detach the layer or edit the Style in its source Library. All these options are available in the Inspector under the Appearance section.

When you make changes to a Style, its name will appear on the Inspector menu in italics and with an asterisk.

An image showing where you can find the options to manage changes made to layers that have Library Styles
  1. Click on Insert to create a new local style from your selection. The Library Style will be unaffected.
  2. Click on Detach to detach the Style from your selection. The detached layers will have all the styling options from the original Style.
  3. Click on Three dots and select Reset Style to revert all the changes from your selection.
  4. Click on Three dots and select Edit Style in Library to open the Library document that this style belongs to. You’ll need Edit permissions to do this.

Editing a Style in the original Library document will update the Style for anyone using that Library.

Creating Library Presets

As well as Symbols, Text Styles, and Layer Styles, you can use Libraries to sync and share gradient or image fill presets. To create a Library Preset for a gradient or image fill, for example, select a gradient in the fill popover of your Library document and add it as a preset under Document Colors.

You can also create, share and sync solid colors in your Libraries using Color Variables.

How to add, rename and delete color presets in the Mac app

When you’re working in a document that uses that Library, click on the title above the presets in the fill popover and select the Library’s name to view all available Library Presets.

How to use Library Presets in the Mac app
